Friday, April 1, 2011

Blacksmithing Class Number Four

Now that I am taking this blacksmithing class, I am noticing ironwork everywhere! This gate is at the BOK Tower Gardens in Lake Wales, FL. I visited the garden, recently, while in FL.

The gates were designed and built by Samuel Yellin from Philadelphia. His granddaughter, Claire Yellin, still runs the business he started. The company does conservation, restoration and new work.

Detail of the latch. This is the notorious shot that almost got me bitten by a swan.

Detail of the end of one fence.

Mr. Yellin in his office. Photo via

Yellin Forge Shop. Photo via
 I love these old photos of people working in shops.

This is what came out of my fourth class. I finished my Drive Hook! They were originally designed so that you could drive the point into mortar, such as a stone fireplace, and hang your pots and pans. Ironically, I have no fireplace. If I were to nail it into my drywall, my landlord would probably have a fit at the gapping hole I would leave when I moved out. So, I have been carrying around the hook in my pocketbook and whipping it out on a moments notice to show anyone who will listen to me. I'm awfully proud of my first true blacksmith product...

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I love to see the images of past American craftsmanship and design merging with the new.
