Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blacksmithing Class Number Five

 By popular demand, here is a photo of yours truly - forging!

Yup, here I am toiling away and working on an S hook. Jonathan Nedbor was kind enough to take a photo of me in action. The weather was pretty cold that class, so the shop was a bit chilly. Hence, the hat and scarf.

I got to use a gas furnace, which I love! The temperature is constant, you don't have to continually work your fire, and the whole unit doesn't take up much room, which is ideal for a small shop. I am going to look into purchasing one of these.

Et voila! Here is my finished S hook. Not too shabby... 

I had to travel for work, so I missed Class Number Six. I am really bummed out. Hopefully I will be able to make that class up and get a lot done in Class Number Seven.

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